Friday, April 07, 2006

This has nothing to do with Hobbes or the Metaphysicals...

Okay, so I forgot to mention this in class, so I'll use the blog to make an announcement. Hopefully, people from other blog groups will see this too.

I am involved with a group of people who have recently put together a literary magazine. Our first issue goes to the printing presses in a week, so to celebrate (and raise money for our next issue) we are throwing a launch party!!

The party is on Tuesday, May 9th at The Railway Club (579 Dunsmuir, at the corner of Seymour) The event will include readings from the magazine and music by In Medias Res and Lover, Lover, Lover. Everything gets under way at 9:00pm. Cover is $8.

Come on out and support us! Tell your friends! Or at the very least go to our website: and subscribe!! Hey, even feel free to submit some of your own work to the magazine!!

Final Words (unless someone else posts after me...)

In response to Megan’s comment about the family unit:

She says that “children choose to stay with their families because they love their families…not because of some sort of Hobbesian power.” Hmmm…let’s think about this, how does this so-called “love” develop between a child and its mother? The mother cares for it – feeds it, cleans it, keeps it alive. As the child grows older, he recognizes this and repays his mother by acting in a favorable manner toward her. This is what “love” is – gratitude for services rendered.

If love truly existed as some sort of impenetrable emotional bond, then why does it require this whole lead up to exist? You don’t randomly love the man across the street who you’ve never talked to – what a ridiculous thought; of course you don’t, he hasn’t benefited you in any way. “Love” is merely a fancy word used to describe this long-lasting, mutual exchange of benefits between two (or more) people. Why do you think so many marriages end in divorce? It is because not all people can continue giving these benefits for a lifetime.

Sure, I’ll admit that “love” exists. It just isn’t what you say it is. Love is practical – you don’t love the man who shanks you in the prison-yard; you love the man who provides you with the means to survive.

So how can someone say that love is some sort of inherent emotion? Ridiculous, I say. It’s nothing more than extended reciprocity.

In response to Megan’s comment on democracy…

You are absolutely right; Hobbes’ Leviathan is not a democracy. But that doesn’t matter because Hobbes’ Leviathan is better than a democracy. I could sit here all day and point out the problems of democracy (for just one example, take a look at the last election in the United States…), but why would I bother comparing Leviathan to something that doesn’t work? Leviathan isn’t a matter of including everyone’s best interest (as it is clearly impossible to satisfy everyone); this is a matter of doing what is most effective, and what produces the best results.

So what about all those people who are unhappy with Leviathan? The answer is simple – nobody is unhappy with Leviathan. Unhappiness is just a word we use to describe a reaction to a certain moral value in society, and in an effective Leviathan system this moral value does not exist (it has no need to exist because Leviathan is not concerned with making people “happy” or “unhappy”). And since this moral judgment does not exist, people cannot appeal to it to claim some unfounded emotional reaction to it.

In conclusion…

Hobbes cannot be proven wrong because everything he says is based on evidence and logic. Meanwhile, the Metaphysicals base their arguments on figments of their imagination: love, freedom, good, evil, etc. Go and write your poems, you hippies – move over and let a real man run the show.

You heard the man...

Thursday, April 06, 2006

Liberty and love are perspectives...not words

I just got back from the movie V for Vendetta for my second time. This movie is so rich. It is like watching Milton and Hobbes go at it in a boxing ring...and of course...Milton wins..Love prevails. Any Hobbesian follower beg to differ? V the main character makes the claim that "Justice, Liberty and Love are not just words but they are perspectives."
Responding to the previous post; Hobbes is not for democratic rule. By definition democracies must respect individual freedoms and these freedoms can only be practiced when citizen's are informed, engaged and involved. Hobbes whole Leviathan is succsessful only when citizens are disillusioned, and isolated to their thoughts. It is through the gathering of collective conscious thought that societies (multitudes of people) are connected and embodied. Why is it possible that a dictator can be overthrown? Because he is just one man...he stands alone without his consensus. And this is what happened to the Chancelor, Hitler and the great OZ.
Hobbes would not believe in a public sphere where citizens could get together and debate about policy. Democracy works best when there are not significant differences in economic wealth and property ownership, when there is a sense of community and lastly, when there is a workable and sufficient system of communication. How would Hobbess "Dog eat Dog" mentality jive with that? The success of democratic revolutions in the 18th and 19th century was because of the emergence for the first time in human histoory of the public sphere. With all the new CMNS technology there is out there to connect us to one another, I think that we should be concerned about the small number of commercial giants that control our media systems.. Is our democracy turning into a Leviathan?...