'Upon Nothing'

In this poem, Wilmot portrays Nothing as a sort-of Something - like shade, or the hand of God , etc (things that are not really there, but at the same time, they are). When we apply Hobbes' notion of what is infinite or finite, Nothing is a term that implies infiniteness (although, I suppose it could be argued to be the complete opposite of infinite - but even then, it would still be infinite, just in a negative sense). Nothing is therefore unconceiveable (hell, I'm confusing myself just trying to explain it). And therefore, Wilmot's poem is completely pointless as it tells us nothing of value. According to Hobbes, 'Nothing' and 'Something' are just words anyways, so Wilmot can go suck it.
hmmm...maybe that last comment was a bit too polemical...
As for Johnny Depp...maybe he wanted to meet John Malkovich. Either that, or he just wanted to star in a film where he gets to have an endless number of sex scenes with hot women. I'm guessing it was probably Malkovich...